workshop — on cyanotype and bookbinding

© Kirsten Heuschen & Katrin Kamrau

The Blue Pyramide / The Blue Bookworkshops on cyanotype and bookbinding organized by Kirsten Heuschen and Katrin Kamrau ……………..Tailor-made versions of this workshop for academies, institutions or private groups are possible. If you are interested in a workshop on cyanotype and bookbinding, please reach out to us: The Blue Pyramide — a one-day crash… Continue reading workshop — on cyanotype and bookbinding

talks and lectures on and independent publishing within the arts

Studio visit by Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, 2018. © protected

We are regularly invited by educational or cultural institutions and initiatives to give lectures and workshops on independent publishing and self-publishing, to introduce our artist initiative, to review (photo-)book dummies and portfolios by colleagues and photo-enthusiasts. So far, we worked withamong others Artesia Plantijn Hogeschool, Antwerp LUCA, School of Arts, Brussels Estonian Academy of… Continue reading talks and lectures on and independent publishing within the arts

workshop — on collage

© Katrin Kamrau

The printed Image — on photography and publishingA tailor-made one-week workshop for a group of 20 students from all fields of study at Merz Academy in Stuttgart / Germany. Do you like clippings & zines? Are you keen on using scissors, glue, paper and a lot of do-it-yourself cultures? What is your interest in photography… Continue reading workshop — on collage

malenki.NET #1

exhibition, lecture program, book shop and network-momentSeptember 26, 2019 – September 29, 2019 Tique | art spaceKorte Vlierstraat 52000 Antwerp / Belgium From Sept 26 through Sept 28 the first edition of malenki.NET will take place at Tique I art space in Antwerp. During these days a group of seven artist from different countries… Continue reading malenki.NET #1