talks and lectures on and independent publishing within the arts

Studio visit by Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, 2018. © protected

We are regularly invited by educational or cultural institutions and initiatives to give lectures and workshops on independent publishing and self-publishing, to introduce our artist initiative, to review (photo-)book dummies and portfolios by colleagues and photo-enthusiasts. So far, we worked with
among others

Artesia Plantijn Hogeschool, Antwerp
LUCA, School of Arts, Brussels
Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
Advanced Master of Research in Art and Design, Sint Lucas, Antwerp
L’École supérieure des arts Le 75, Brussels
Merz Akademie, Stuttgart
Fruit 8 – Virtual Market – organized by Fruit Exhibition
f2 Fotofestival Dortmund

Please, get in touch with us! We are looking forward to your request: