
Portrait Katrin Kamrau & Robert Schlotter takes photography away from the walls and offers an alternative space for their sensory diversity. Founded by Katrin Kamrau and Robert Schlotter in 2010, aims to bridge the gap between book publishing and limited edition artist publications. The work we select from the artists and photographers are detached from any external guidelines and are characterized by the specific use of materials and an outspoken personal vision, within which the merging of form and content is a constant. The limited editions and personal signature of the makers underline the unique qualities of the work presented.

We offer workshops, portfolio reviews and mentoring on contemporary photography and independent publishing for groups and individuals. Critical contemporaneity, empathy and solidarity are important guidelines for our dialogical way of working. Here you will find insights into some of our activities: on site.

Please contact us for further inquiries, for booking requests or collaborations: malenki [at]

During the photobook, fair Temple Arles Books lom-of-LaMa interviewed Katrin Kamrau.

Down here a loose translation of parts of this interview into the English language:

How many works and artists are part of your program so far?

At the moment there are about 65 people involved. Some producers are present with several publications. The number of works represented might be around 85 – but I think there are a few more by now.

What criteria do you use to select projects?
Do you follow a concept regarding form or content?

A substantial link in our program is photography – photography in its wide spectrum, with a huge variety regarding approach and visual literacy.

The producers represented in our program have diverse backgrounds. We have publications in five or six different languages available. All people are connected to (Western) Europe in one way or another. As for the average age, it is similarly heterogeneous.

In terms of the appearance of publications, you also don’t find limits: They range from a single folded sheet of paper to the limited special edition in the slipcase.

Do you influence the form or content of publications being part of your program?

In terms of form or content, we do not influence the work. We are happy to assist producers during the production of their publication, but only on request. I also give workshops on book-making and the concept of self-publishing. We do offer cooperation at eye level.

With which print-run do you work?

We currently offer editions, artist books and self-published photo books. The print-run roughly varies between 10 and 1.000 copies.

How important is the personal contact with the artists for you?

The personal contact is very important for us. Together with local partners, we are also developing exhibition formats, such as kijk: papers at Warte für Kunst in Kassel or a series of talks like Tique Salon in Antwerp. It is important for us to exchange ideas and to know: Who is currently where; is doing what; is dealing with which topic — in order to make suitable offers to the single persons. I’m interested in people and their approach towards photography – thematically and media-related.

Arles, July 4, 2019

The complete interview in German language is available here.