Tidal Horizon — solo show by Matthieu Litt

Tidal Horizon by Matthieu Litt at Le Jacques Franck Culturel Centre
(c) photo: Matthieu Litt

See Tidal Horizon by Matthieu Litt at Le Jacques Franck Centre Culturel in Brussels.

Tidal Horizon
Jan 10 — March 29, 2020

Opening Friday, Jan 10, 2020, 6 PM,
with a music performance by Myriam Pruvot starting at 8 PM

Le Jacques Franck Centre Culturel
Chaussée de Waterloo Laan 94, 1060 St-Gilles, Brussels

The exhibition Tidal Horizon by Matthieu Litt is the second collaboration between the Jacques Franck Cultural Center and the Charleroi Museum of Photography

In Tidal Horizon, photographer and graphic designer Matthieu Litt presents a selection of images taken during an artist’s residency in Norway. At the heart of this work, the perpetual movement of the universal phenomenon of the tides brings the photographer to wonder about the dialogue between Man and Nature, and immerses him to reflect on the notion of the Sublime.

The sequence offers a poetic and philosophical examination of the interaction between Man, at the height of his finitude, and Nature, on the scale of his unlimited time, unless following the observation of the various harmful effects of human origin, perception surreptitiously becomes the opposite …

More information about Matthieu Litt and his publication Tidal Horizon can be found here.