workshop — from idea to publication

workshop on publishing: From idea to publication, session 1, Tique | art space, Antwerp / Belgium
workshop on publishing: From idea to publication, session 1, Tique | art space, Antwerp / Belgium

From Idea to Publication
workshop on (self-)publishing in four sessions


Tique | art space
Korte Vlierstraat 5, 2000 Antwerp

Thinking of publishing your own book? Working on a publication but in need of feedback and guidance? Looking for advice with the productional side of publishing? Take part in the workshop ‘From idea to publication’ at Tique I art space!

In four sessions, workshop leaders Katrin Kamrau ( and Welmer Keesmaat (Tique) will support your process with advice, inspiration and feedback. In the third session, two guest experts will give specific feedback based on their expertise.

our guest experts

Johan Nieuwenhuize
Yin Yin Wong — Publication Studio Rotterdam
Ward HeirweghSleephold Publications
Marie Lècrivain — La Houle
Tessa de CeuninckPantingo
Carel Fransen — The Eriskay Connection