Tique Salon

Tique Salon #12 Hans Demeulenaere / Marc Naagtzaam
Tique Salon #12 Hans Demeulenaere / Marc Naagtzaam

Tique Salon is a trimestrial public event on publishing within the arts, with lectures, discussions and presentations by creators and researchers.

at Tique I art space
Korte Vlierstraat 5
2000 Antwerp / Belgium


Tique Salon is formulated and organized by Katrin Kamrau (malenki.net) and Welmer Keesmaat (Tique).

with following guests

Nick Geboers
Celine van den Boorn
RUIS collective
La Houle (Marie Lécrivain & Jean-François Caro)
Ronan Lecreurer
Elvis Bonier
Publication Studio Rotterdam
Hou Chien Cheng
Thorsten Baensch / Bartleby & Co.
Stephanie Kiwitt
Manor Grunewald
Stefan Vanthuyne

Sara De Bondt
Kim Gorus
Ksenia Galiaeva
Reg Herygers
Hans Demeulenaere
Marc Nagtzaam
Thomas Nolf
Defrost Studio
Karina Beumer
Peter Lemmens
Brenda Tempelaar
eatmypaper (Camille Carbonaro)
Harmonie (Isabelle Vanhoutte)
The’pINK hOUSE pRESS (Ersi Varveri & Gijs Waterschoot)

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